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LJ Hooker is Australasia's strongest real estate brand, and with more than 90 years experience we’ve been successfully selling New Zealand real estate for generations. We’re your dedicated selling partner, ready to work with you to sell your property today. We have an extensive library of articles, checklists, eBooks and online tools to help you find answers to all of your questions

Latest real estate article on sell

Selling? Do You Understand the Key Auction Terms?
| Lyall Russell | 3 mins
Selling? Do You Understand the Key Auction Terms?
You may have heard many of these auction terms, but you may not know what they mean.
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Selling by Auction - What to Expect on the Day
| Lyall Russell | 6 mins
Selling by Auction - What to Expect on the Day
We’ve all seen the drama of an auction on TV - the auctioneer with their quick-fire speech, waving hands and pointing fingers.
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14 Ways to Prepare the Outside of Your Home to Sell
| Lyall Russell | 5 mins
14 Ways to Prepare the Outside of Your Home to Sell
We all know the importance of good curb appeal. It draws people in off the street and can make your home a bright star in your neighbourhood.
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Day Before Inspection Day - What to Do
| Lyall Russell | 4 mins
Day Before Inspection Day - What to Do
Your property is open for inspection tomorrow, so it is time to do some last minute jobs to help create the all-important WOW factor!
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Preparing Your Home to Maximise Photo Potential
| Lyall Russell | 3 mins
Preparing Your Home to Maximise Photo Potential
Great photos are a vital element of a successful sales campaign. Most people’s first impression of your property will not be up close and personal, it will be through the photographs presented in the online listing.
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Hot Tips to Prep Your Property for an Autumn Sale
| Lyall Russell | 3 mins
Hot Tips to Prep Your Property for an Autumn Sale
Autumn is a great time to sell. Buyers have well and truly settled into the year, most people are back at work, kids are in their school routine and those who have made a new year’s resolution to buy a new home, are eager and ready to home hunt.
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The Value of a Local Agent and Questions to Ask
| Lyall Russell | 4 mins
The Value of a Local Agent and Questions to Ask
Finding the right agent to sell your property is a big decision. Your home is probably the most valuable asset, then for you choosing the right agent will have a direct impact on how quickly you sell, how much you sell for and how many potential buyers are interested in your property and how much you sell for.
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9 Tips to Sell Your Home Faster to a Younger Buyer
| Lyall Russell | 4 mins
9 Tips to Sell Your Home Faster to a Younger Buyer
If you think about it, when you put your home on the market to sell, the next owner will most likely be younger than you are.
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4 Key Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling
| Lyall Russell | 4 mins
4 Key Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling
Have you not priced your home to sell?
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